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Donate and help Recovery carry out its vital community work


Each year Recovery provides over 15,000 patient-hours of vital care to its members in 22 locations around Ireland. There is no charge to members for this service.

To provide these meetings, we have to rent space in 21 different community buildings and run a head office to provide administrative support. While we receive a small annual grant from the HSE, this does not cover the meeting and administrative costs we have.

Therefore we badly need donations to continue our work, and to help people who are suffering poor mental health.


You can donate to Recovery in any of the following ways;

  • 1)  Complete this Standing Order form    [link]
  • 2)  Donate Online using a Credit/Debit Card [link]
  • 3)  Make a bank transfer to us:
  • (please include your phone number or email address in Reference)
  • BIC BOFIIE2D    IBAN IE69 BOFI 9000 1784 7562 93
  • 4)  Consider including us in your Will  [link]


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